transcriptie: Wim


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een traditioneel Engels zeemanslied, op vele manieren gebracht en vertaald

vertaling: Noordzee en De Gulden Hoorn

The Golden Vanity

The Almanac Singers (met Woody Guthrie en Pete Seeger)
opgenomen in New York, 7 juli 1941

There was a lofty ship
and she put out to sea.
And the name of the ship
was The Golden Vanity.
And she sailed upon
the low and lonesome ocean,
and she sailed upon
the lonesome sea.

She had not been out
but two weeks or three,
when she was overtaken
by the Turkish enemy.
And she sailed upon
the low and lonesome ocean,
and she sailed upon
the lonesome sea.

Then out speak
our little cabin boy,
saying: what will you give me
if I will them destroy?
If I sink them
in the low and lonesome ocean,
If I sink them
in the lonesome sea.

Oh the man that them destroys,
our captain then replied,
five thousand pounds
and my daughter for his bride,
if he sinks them
in the low and lonesome ocean,
if he sinks them
in the lonesome sea.

So the boy smote his breast
and down jumped he,
he swam till he come
to the golden [...]
as she sailed upon
the low and lonesome ocean,
as she sailed upon
the lonesome sea.

He had a little tool
that was made for the use,
he bore nine holes
in her hull all at once
and he sunk her
in the low and lonesome ocean,
and he sunk her
in the lonesome sea.

Then he swam back to his ship
and he beat upon the side.
Crying: captain pick me up,
for I'm wearied with the tide.
And I'm sinking
in the low and lonesome ocean,
and I'm sinking
in the lonesome sea.

No I will not pick you up,
the captain then replied.
I'll shoot you, I'll drown you,
I'll sink you in the tide.
I'll sink you
in the low and lonesome ocean,
I'll sink you
in the lonesome sea.

The Golden Vanity

De versie van Peter Paul & Mary
new words and music by Yarrow/Stookey/Travers
copyrights: Mapape ASCAP
There was a ship that sailed
all on the lowland sea,
and the name of the ship
was the Golden Vanity.
And we feared she would be taken
by the Spanish enemy.
As she sailed upon the lowland,
lowland, lowland,
sailed upon the lowland sea.

Then up spoke our cabinboy
and boldly out spoke he,
and he said to our captain:
what will you give to me
if I swim along the side
of the Spanish enemy,
and I sink her in the lowland sea?

Oh I will give you silver
and I will give you gold.
And my own fair daughter
your bonny bride shall be.
If you'll swim along the side
of the Spanish enemy
and you'll sink her
in the lowland, lowland, lowland
sink her in the lowland sea.

Then the boy he made him ready
and overboard sprang he,
and he swam to the side
of the Spanish enemy.
With his brace and auger
in her side he bored holes three.
And sank he her in the lowland sea.

Then quickly he swam back
to the cheering of the crew.
But the captain would not heed him,
his promise he did rue.
And he scorned his poor entreatings
when loudly he did sue
and left him in the lowland, lowland, lowland
left him in the lowland sea.

Then the boy he turned round
and he swam to the port side.
And up to his messmates
full bitterly he cried:
oh messmates , draw me up,
for I'm drifting with the tide.
And I'm sinking in the lowland, lowland, lowland
sinking in the lowland sea.

Then his messmates drew him up,
but on the deck he died.
And they stitched him in a hammock
which was so fair and white.
And they low'red him overboard
and he drifted with the tide.
And he sank into the lowland, lowland, lowland
sank into the lowland sea.

There was a ship that sailed
all on the lowland sea.
And the name of the ship
was the Golden Vanity.
And we feared she would be
taken by the Spanish enemy.
As she sailed upon the lowland, lowland, lowland
sailed upon the lowland sea.
She sailed upon the lowland, lowland, lowland
sailed upon the lowland sea.

The Golden Vanity

Nu Lonnie Donegan's kijk op de zaak. Geen lange uitweidingen, gewoon de kogel.
opname: 23 oktober 1959 in PYE Studios Londen
There was a little ship
and it sailed upon the sea.
And it went by the name
of The Golden Vanity,
as she sailed upon
that low and lonesome ocean,
as she sailed upon
that lonesome sea.

Now she had not been out
more than two weeks or three,
when she was overtaken
by the Spanish enemy,
as she sailed upon
that low and lonesome ocean,
and she sailed upon
that lonesome sea.

Up speak our cabin boy,
yes up speak he,
saying: what will you give me
if I will them destroy?
If I sink them
in that low and lonesome ocean,
If I sink them
in that lonesome sea.

Three thousand golden guinneas
and my daughter for your bride,
if you will sink them,
sink them in the tide,
if you will sink them
in that low and lonesome ocean,
If you sink them
in that lonesome sea.

Well he pulled out a tool
which was made for the use
and he bored nine holes
in her hull all at once
and he sunk her
in that low and lonesome ocean.
And he sunk her
in that lonesome sea.

Well the captain drew his gun,
three shots fired he.
And he sunk that boy
way down in the sea
and he sunk him
in that low and lonesome ocean,
and he sunk him
in that lonesome sea.

De Gulden Hoorn

Nog een keer het verhaal van het scheepsmaatje en de Noordzee, maar aan deze uitvoering, van zijn voormalige echtgenote Astrid, heeft Lennaert een gelukkiger afloop meegegeven.
album De Razende Bol/1979
copyrights: Intersong Basart

Er was ereis een scheepje van het Noorderkwartier,
genaamd De Gulden Hoorn, dat voer zo ver van hier.
Maar een Duinkerker kaper kreeg haar in 't vizier
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

Het was het jongste maatje dat tot den schipper zei:
wat zult gij aan mij schenken, wat schenkt gij er mij
wanneer ik wil gaan zwemmen den Duinkerker langszij,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

Ik heb drie kisten zilver en goud in mijn kajuit,
en ook mijn jongste dochterken, die krijgt gij er tot bruid
wanneer gij wilt gaan zwemmen en redden onze schuit,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

't Jongmaatje toog zijn kleren uit, sprong dalijk toen in zee,
een scherpgeslepen avegaar, die nam hij met zich mee
om de Duinkerker kaper te zinken in de zee,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

De kapers dronken brandewijn, ze dronken op de buit,
ze wierpen er een teerling en geen van hen keek uit,
en vierentwintig gaten boorde 't maatje in hun schuit,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

't Jongmaatje was zo moe en de eb die zoog hem mee,
al naar De Gulden Hoorn zwom hij door de hoge zee,
en de Duinkerker kaper, die lag er al benee,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

De schipper hield zich liever niet aan zijn dure woord,
hij liet hem in de golven en nam hem niet aan boord,
hij deed als had hij nimmer iets gezegd of iets gehoord,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

O schipper, ik zal doen als ik bij de kaper dee,
een scherpgeslepen avegaar, die nam ik met mij mee,
dan zinkt De Gulden Hoorn al in de diepe zee,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

Toen kwam er onze konstabel, een oude varensgast
die greep de boze schipper al bij zijn schouders vast.
Wij zullen u doen hangen al aan de grote mast,
daar bij de lage landen, daar bij het Noordzeestrand.

Ze haalden toen het maatje terstond het water uit,
hij kreeg goud en zilver en werd schipper van de schuit,
en ook de jongste dochter, die kreeg hij tot zijn bruid
daar bij de lage landen, daar voor het Noordzeestrand.

Gegenereerd door DVEGEN 3.2 op 2004-10-09